Little Junior QCPR is a perfect CPR manikin to train CPR on younger children. Since the technology for cardiopulmonary resuscitation differs, depending on whether it is performed on adults or children, it is important that training is given on a manikin with realistic anatomy to ensure correct technique. Little Junior QCPR with feedback technology helps instructors to provide accurate feedback, which improves learning and also performance. The better the technology, the faster, safer and with greater self-confidence, you can intervene in an emergency. This is especially important when it comes to children, they are sensitive to lack of oxygen, and therefore it is really important to be able to act quickly.
The technology used on children varies depending on the age of the child. Little Junior QCPR is used to train CPR on children older than one year and up to eight years. It is a durable manikin with lightweight, which makes it easy to handle. The CPR manikin has all the functions required for an effective learning of cardiopulmonary resuscitation as well as realistic anatomy both in terms of body and head.
Little Junior QCPR is durable and the compression tests are made by a company that manufactures the manikin and have shown that no wear could be detected after one million compressions of 5 cm. This makes it a good choice in educational activities for, for example, preschools, schools, and sports associations. All worn parts can easily be replaced among our products and you will find all the accessories you need, including cleaning wipes and replaceable faces and airways for hygienic training.
Little Junior QCPR provides real-time feedback on chest compressions and ventilations, which means you can directly give participants tips on improvements. They also receive a report with total points after the training. With this technology, it is possible to monitor up to six-course participants. A handheld device is used to monitor participants' performance, such as the depth of chest compressions. Course participants can also check their own performance using an app or a connected SkillGuide device (which can be purchased separately). The correct compression depth is normally 5–6 cm, but it is important to get to know what the correct depth is because it varies depending on the individual's chest. A short course of about an hour is what is needed to learn CPR. With Little Junior QCPR, participants receive detailed feedback that further facilitates learning.
The goal of the rescue is to try to start the heart activity and breathing again if the child for example has got a piece of food stuck in the throat, something that has led to respiratory arrest. The heart or breathing may also stop working in case of poisoning or drowning accidents.
Objective feedback and scoring help motivate participants in a training course. A QCPR Race can be run to engage participants competing against each other, but feedback can also motivate course participants to improve their results. It is important to train at short frequent intervals to ensure that competence is maintained. Frequent training increases self-confidence and is an effective way to build and improve competence. The QCPR technology facilitates frequent training sessions and Little Junior QCPR is, therefore, a good choice for all companies and organizations that need staff with updated knowledge of CPR on children.