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Accessories for iPAD NF 1200

One of the most serious conditions someone can suffer is cardiac arrest: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1308550/FULLTEXT01.pdf. With a defibrillator in the vicinity, the chance for the victim to survive decreases. It is therefore important to ensure that that the defibrillator is always functional. The same of course applies to the heart starter iPad NF1200.

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Accessories iPad NF1200

What is required to keep your defibrillator iPad NF1200 functional are batteries and electrodes. These must be regularly seen across the board. that their use-by date has not passed.


Battery and electrodes for iPad NF1200

A defibrillator is always in standby mode ;give. This means that the battery's energy is always being used up. Check regularly that the defibrillator is working and that the battery is not discharged. If you need to replace the battery in your iPad NF1200, we have new ones with us. 

Something else that has a card for a use-by date for a defibrillator. its electrodes. It's the electrodes you get on; the patient's breast to be able to use the machine. Electrodes that are old and dried out can no longer be used. 

An iPad NF1200 has different electrodes. On the one hand, there are electrodes for adults and on the other hand there are electrodes for children. That's allå good to have both electrodes available there; Both adults and children can suffer from a sudden cardiac arrest. The electrodes must be replaced when they have passed their use-by date and always after they have been used. They are not reusable. 


Thick clothing can prevent life support

When someone suffers from cardiac arrest, it is important to as quickly as possible put on the defibrillator and place the electrodes on the the body. Something that can prevent this is if the sufferer has på get dressed. Choose a t-shirt as thick work clothes can be in the way. Strong body care also makes; that it will be difficult to use the electrodes there; they cannot adhere tightly to the skin. 

To avoid the problem with clothes that are too thick as body armor, we recommend an accessory kit with usable hair. lp agent. There are various accessories to choose from, but all are equally suitable for your defibrillator iPad NF1200. 

It is common for a kit to consist of, for example scissors and razor. Scissors for cutting up clothes and razors for removing body hair. 


Do your heart starters become l visible

A defibrillator should preferably be well-worn; that everyone knows where it is. If it is placed on the wall, nor does it run the risk of being hidden by cardboard boxes, paper and other things that are easily pushed into storage spaces.

Purchase a wall bracket and place your defibrillator in a case that can be hung up. The principle of visibility applies regardless of where a defibrillator is located. Såväl in public spaces such as på workplaces, it should be highly visible. If you instead have a defibrillator at home, you should many who possibly know that you have it and where it is placed.


Text written and reviewed by Jonathan Adolfssson, main instructor for our CPR training and certified trainer in defibrillators and first aid. Read more about Jonathan at our page About us.
