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Schiller defibrillator accessories

We have all the accessories you need for a defibrillator from Schiller. Regardless of whether it is batteries, electrodes or wall brackets for suspension such as; is there with us.

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Accessories Schiller

Having a defibrillator from Schiller on; the workplace can save lives. By seeingå As soon as possible, starting heart and lung resuscitation and using a defibrillator can save many lives. Cardiac arrest involves an insufficient contraction in both chambers of the heart: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:931868/FULLTEXT01. pdf. The body is rendered unconscious and if life-saving measures are not immediately carried out, the victim may die. With a defibrillator nearby, you can make a difference and save lives. It's simply an investment you won't regret.


Batteries and electrodes for Schiller defibrillators

If you If you have a Schiller defibrillator, it is important to regularly check its functionality. The most important thing is of course to make sure that that the battery is not discharged. If you need to replace your battery, we have the right kind. We have a Schiller Fred Easy battery with a lifetime på 5 years. This battery is suitable for the Fred Easy and Fred Easy Auto defibrillators. We also have a battery for the Fred Easyport. It has a capacity for 40 shocks.

Äeven electrodes it is important to regularly see ö that its last shelf life date has not passed. If the date has passed or if the electrodes have been used, they must be discarded and replaced. 

We have adult electrodes for the Schiller defibrillator that fit the Fred Easy. They have a lifetime of 2.5 to 3 years. We also have pre-connected adult electrodes that have a 2-year shelf life. We also have children's electrodes for Fred Easy which have a lifetime of; 2.5 years as well as children's electrodes for Fred Easyport which has a shelf life of 1 to 1.5 years. If you need help finding the right type of electrodes, you can always contact us.


Other accessories for a defibrillator from Schiller

When the situation is critical, it applies to så as quickly as possible grab the defibrillator from Schiller. This means that you will be able to start protecting your heart and lungs and save lives. your family member, colleague or whoever has suffered a cardiac arrest. Both children and adults can suffer a cardiac arrest. It usually happens completely without warning. That's why it's important to always have the right kind of electrodes on hand. 



To make your defibrillator from the Schiller wound; visible and accessible as possible, we recommend that you buy a wall bracket. Då can you mount the mount on the wall, place the pacemaker in a container and hang it up. Remember to mount the wall bracket on; a place where everyone has access to it. The mount must always be do not screw up inside a chain link or similar. 



For teaching To save your life, we also have various kits with accessories. They can, for example, contain, among other things, a pair of clothes scissors, a razor, gloves, drying compresses and other things that support lifesaving. Keep the accessory together with your defibrillator.


Text written and reviewed by Jonathan Adolfssson, chief instructor for our CPR trainings and certified trainer in defibrillators and first aid. Read more about Jonathan at our page About us.
